Liposonix fat reduction

Pre and post treatment plans
Beautiful fit girl

How does Liposoinix work?

Liposonix is a non-invasive fat reduction method that eliminates extra body fat. Liposonix uses HIFU to target and destroy fat cells and delivers considerable results in one session. Liposonix is a great and safe solution for individuals looking for a fast and effective fat reduction method besides normal routines like diet and exercise.

Closeup of hands holding belly
Closeup of hands holding belly

Liposonix vs. other fat reduction methods

Unlike other fat reduction treatments like Liposuction, Liposonix is a non-surgical method and a fast solution to get rid of body stubborn fat. It does not require many sessions to see the results and thanks to ultrasound technology, Liposonix is a precise method for targeting body fats with minimal downtime and risks.

Liposonix in Melbourne

Thank you for choosing Purify Skincare Clinic in Melbourne for your Liposonix Fat Reduction! As part of your treatment plan, we want to ensure you are looked after during this process and so we offer some tips, and our free consultation service for any specific needs you have.

Closeup of hands holding belly

Liposonix pre-care tips

Skincare products: Avoid using any harsh or irritating skincare products on the treatment area before the session.

Medical assessment: Provide your medical history, current medications, and disclose any underlying medical conditions.

Liposonix after-care tips

Avoid strenuous activities: Refrain from engaging in strenuous activities or exercises for the first few days following the treatment. Gradually resume normal activities as advised by your provider.

Skin care: Follow any skincare recommendations provided by your provider. This may include avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, using sunscreen, and keeping the treated area clean and moisturised.

Swelling and bruising: It is normal to experience swelling and bruising in the treated areas. Apply ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort as recommended by your provider.

FAQs about Liposonix treatment

Is Liposonix safe?

Yes, Liposonix is safe if it is done by an experienced professional. This fat reduction treatment is non-surgical with minimum downtime.

How many Liposonix sessions do I need?

The number of Liposonix sessions completely depends on the individuals situation. Many can get significant results in only one session, but there are the ones who need more sessions for the best result.

What should I do before Liposonix session?

Do not use strong skincare products on the area that are going to be under treatment. It is also necessary to provide a full medical history for the clinic to make sure there will not be any problem by this treatment for you.

What side effects should expect after Liposonix treatment?

You may see some swellings on your skin which are temporary and normal. You just need to trust on the after-care instruction that is provided by your Liposonix service provider.

How long does it take to see the Liposonix results?

It takes 2 to 3 months to see the results of Liposonix treatment, because the body needs this period to work on the fat which is treated by Liposonix.